Family History Research: by Lorna Flint Laughton
Ship "North American", British Allan Line, list of passengers arriving in Quebec, Canada on May 12, 1872. Copy of digital image from Library and Archives Canada microfilm C-4527, via Ancestry. Also copy of digital images of transcription information on Mathias Constable (transcribed as Consbath) and Mathias Constable Jr (transcribed as Consbath), and information about ship from
Title Ship "North American", British Allan Line, list of passengers arriving in Quebec, Canada on May 12, 1872. Copy of digital image from Library and Archives Canada microfilm C-4527, via Ancestry. Also copy of digital images of transcription information on Mathias Constable (transcribed as Consbath) and Mathias Constable Jr (transcribed as Consbath), and information about ship from Short Title LA0013 Author Ship's Master Publisher Quebec, Canada. May 12, 1872 Call Number LA0013 DATE 13 Feb 2009 MEDI Document _ITALIC Y _PAREN Y Source ID S986 Text Ship "North American" from Glasgow, Scotland, and Liverpool, England, to Quebec, Canada, arriving on May 12, 1872. Port of embarkation: Liverpool. #1578 Mathias Constable, age 57, 'mech' [mechanic], male. #1578 Mathias Constable Jr, age 16, 'mech' [mechanic], male. Linked to (2) Mathias William CONSTABLE
Matthias Marchant CONSTABLE
Notes - Ancestry database index has the surname transcribed as "Consbath". I sent corrections of the surname to Ancestry on February 13, 2009.