Family History Research: by Lorna Flint Laughton
Alphabetical Listing of Graves of Universalist Cemetery, West Bloomfield, Ontario. 7 pages photocopied from "The Searchlight", the journal of the Quinte Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1981.
Title Alphabetical Listing of Graves of Universalist Cemetery, West Bloomfield, Ontario. 7 pages photocopied from "The Searchlight", the journal of the Quinte Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1981. Short Title A00688 Author Fraleigh, Charles H., transcriber Publisher Bloomfield, Ontario, Canada. October 1977. Call Number A00688 DATE 5 Oct 2005 MEDI Index _ITALIC Y _PAREN Y Source ID S780 Linked to (2) M. AINSWORTH