Family History Research: by Lorna Flint Laughton

Obituary notice for Ruth Weir. She died April 29, 1996. Newspaper was likely the "Toronto Star". The clipping was from the Irene and Ed Laughton collection.

Source Information

  • Title Obituary notice for Ruth Weir. She died April 29, 1996. Newspaper was likely the "Toronto Star". The clipping was from the Irene and Ed Laughton collection. 
    Short Title A00616 
    Publisher Toronto, Ontario, Canada. circa April 30, 1996 
    Call Number A00616 
    DATE 28 May 2005 
    MEDI Newspaper 
    Source ID S706 
    Linked to (5) J.
    A.M. WEIR
    G.M. WEIR
    P. WEIR

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