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[Petition: page 1]
To His Exellency Gore Esquire
Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada
In Council
The Petition of Peter Redner Jun?sup?r?/sup? of Ameliasburg
Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioner is the
son of the late Henry Redner of Ameliasburg deceased
a UE that he is of the age of twenty one
years and hath a family and never received
any land or order for land from the Crown
Wherefore Your Petitioner prays that Your
Excellency will be pleased to grant him
Two Hundred Acres of the waste lands of
the Crown
And Your Petitioner is in duty
bound will ever pray
York 17?sup?th?/sup? January 1816
?i?Peter Redner?/i?
[Oath: page 2]
Peter Redner, Junior, of Ameliasburgh, Yeoman
maketh oath and saith that he is the person he
hath described himself to be in the within Petition
that he hath attained the full age of twenty one
years, and never received any land or order for
Land from the Crown
Sworn before me at York
this 18?sup?th?/sup? of January 1816
?i?Alexander Wood J.P.
Peter Redner
[Oath: page 2]
John Redner of Ameliasburgh, Yeoman, maketh
Oath and saith that Peter Redner Junior, is the
Person he hath described himself to be in the
within Petiton, that he hath attained the full age
of twenty one years and never received any
Land or order for Land from the Crown, to the
best of his knowledge and belief.
Sworn before me at York
this 18?sup?th?/sup? of January 1816
?i?Alexander Wood J. P.
John Redner
[Certificate: page 3]
I do hereby Certify that Peter Redner has taken
and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as prescrib-?i?
?/i?ed by Law
Sworn before me at Thurlow 1?sup?st?/sup?June 1812
?i?Rob?sup?t?/sup? C. Wilkins J.P?/i?.
[Certificate of Loyalty: page 4]
I certify that I have known Peter Redner
Jun?sup?r?/sup? of the Township of Ameliasburg. that
he hath resided therein upwards of Eighteen
_ _ _ and behaved himself honestly and
Industriously Since I knew him _ and also
Conducted minself Loyally during the Late War
with the United States. both as a Militia Man
and Teamster in transporting Government Stores.
Thurlow 15?sup?th January 1816
?i?James McNabb J.P.
Asa Weller _ _
[Folded cover side one: page 5]
In Petition of Peter Redner
Read in Council
20 Jan?sup?r?/sup? 1816
Recomm?sup?d?/sup? for a grant
of 200 acres
Warrant N121
issued same day
[Folded cover side two: page 5]
the Petition of
Peter Redner Junior
Son of the late
Henry Redner
Rec?sup?d?/sup? from Petitioner
18?sup?th?/sup? January 1816
It does not appear that
Petitioner has had any
Land by order in
I. Mark [?]
Son of Henry Ridner
(_ _ _ _ _ )
A.I.G.P.P.A. [?]
See the Land Book expunge
12?sup?th?/sup? Jany 1816
The _ _ _ Petitioner
appeared before me
this day
?i?Thos Scott
?/i? |